温馨提示 Tips

1、 由于数据更新频率,如您查询的直付医院不在列表中,可拨打高端医疗险客服热线咨询确认:400-820-0955(团险)、400-820-7553(个险)。

Due to the frequency of data update, if the direct-billing hospital you are looking for is not in the list, you can contact our customer service hotline to confirm: 400-820-0955(GHB)、400-820-7553(IPMI).


Please bring your membership card/ electronic membership card and Passport/ ID to the medical facility.


The actual scope of medical institutions that can provide you with direct billing services is determined by the insurance plan you are insured.

4、欲了解更多有关招商信诺健康险的产品和服务信息,请与我们取得联系:(8621) 6187 1288 转 8627。

For more information on Cigna & CMB Health Insurance products and services, please contact us: (8621) 6187 1288 ext. 8627.

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